Monday, July 29, 2013

Hair Make Over at Vellus Hair Studio

The day before I went for a hair makeover, I was quite reluctant with my close-to-blonde hair
I just cannot. I just have to take some selfie with my vain-ness.
cause this is the lightest color i've ever had.
then i made this close-to-advertisement-style selfie at my room
with iPhone 5 leh ! not bad right.
wtf, everyone in school called me golden monkey/ah lian, and I was actually quite pissed with.
I dont know, i just dont like how people call me goldhairmonkey or ahlian. 
To me its super irritated la, so mind your words when you tak to me kay. 
lol quite fierce hor. jk jk

Why my hair turns gold?
Cause Ash Green color is actually quite hard to take care of it. and my hair is super damage
I think my hair couldnt take it thats why it fades.
But Ash Green is definately a super nice hair colorrrrrr.
Now my hair is just like hay, horses eat hay. so horses eats my hair.
Nuuuuuuuuu, my hair iz not hay, not food for horses.

and because I'm a student nurse, my mentee said she'll give me a counseling letter if i dont go dye my hair in one week time. 
i dont mind to dye it back if im in a clinical area. but now im in school. no attachment to hospital. nonono! not even one.
wtf doesnt mean i have light color hair = i killed a patient.wtfwtf right or not
super hate how my life being restricted.
I took medipedi course and now i cannot have manicure & not even long finger nails not even 0.1cm
and hair color must be super dark.
Some of these restriction made me think of whether I am in the right course lol
nevermind skip this.

So, I decided to change my hair color again uh.
so now say bye to this goldhair monkey or ahlian.

and YES , i went back to Vellus Hair Studio

Cause i super love their private room and service and how they protect my hair after so many chemicals done on my hair. lol

BYEBYE ! hay/ ahlian/goldhairmonkey

so what color you guess ?
the top part of my hair is covered with Dark Ash
the bottom part of my hair is still my previous hair color.

So, here's another photo of it !
before i starts to do my 
I've no idea what color to choose until I see my own eyeliner color wtf.
so i tell Josie ! I wan my eyeliner color on my hair !

and yes,
WE DID IT. super matching with my eyeliner omg
so nice so nice so nice

I love it so so much !

so now, Straight or Curl ?
click here to visit my previous post aboout Vellus Hair Studio.

If you're interested with getting something simillar to mine
do not hesitate to call  Vellus Hair Studio okayyy

83A Tanjung Pagar Road , Singapore 088504 
And don't forget to quote my name "iiwentan10%"
for 10% discount off  bill

PS://anyways sorry for the super bad quality photos from my i5 front camera.
cause my camera charger cable is lostttt !!!
if anyone of you have any idea can get Casio ZR1000 charger please let me know k
super urgent ;(

Loves, xoxo.

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